Dental Care Tips You May Not Know

drawing of a tooth smiling, holding a toothbrush, and giving a thumbs up

Having good oral health is essential in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Habits like brushing twice per day are an excellent example of a good oral hygiene routine.  However, oral health is not just about gum disease and cavities; research found an association between dental health and overall health. As a result, experts recognize dental … Read more

Why It’s Important to Floss Regularly

Why It’s Important to Floss Regularly

Whenever you go to your dentist appointment, your doctor would always ask you if you are flossing regularly. It is because people often disregard the importance of flossing as part of good dental hygiene. It has a crucial role in having excellent dental health. They help you maintain a perfect smile by ensuring that your … Read more

Are You Flossing Your Teeth Right?

Are You Flossing Your Teeth Right?

Flossing is one of the most important steps in your daily oral hygiene. This simple action removes food stuck between teeth and cleans the areas your toothbrush does not reach. In turn, this reduces the plaque and bacteria left on your teeth, where they contribute to cavities and gum disease. When you visit your dental … Read more