The Science of Teeth Whitening: How Whitening Agents Work on Enamel

woman with pink lipstick and white teeth with white enamel

In a world where a bright smile is often equated with health, success, and beauty, teeth whitening has become more than just a dental procedure; it’s a global phenomenon. From over-the-counter products to professional dental services, the quest for pearly whites has led to a booming industry. But what exactly is happening when you whiten … Read more

What is Tooth Reshaping and what are its Benefits?

What is Tooth Reshaping and what are its Benefits?

People with misshapen and asymmetrical teeth are often hesitant to smile widely. Misshapen teeth can lower someone’s confidence and shatter their self esteem. Sometimes, they can also place a great harm on one’s dental health. Undue stress on the gums or significant spacing between teeth form a misaligned bite can lead to the breakdown of … Read more