Why It’s Important to Floss Regularly

Whenever you go to your dentist appointment, your doctor would always ask you if you are flossing regularly. It is because people often disregard the importance of flossing as part of good dental hygiene. It has a crucial role in having excellent dental health. They help you maintain a perfect smile by ensuring that your teeth and gums are protected from different diseases. So, what is flossing, and why is it important to floss regularly?


Flossing has a crucial role in your oral hygiene. It removes small particles and bacteria in between your teeth that cannot be cleaned using a toothbrush. Since they help remove food particles in your teeth, the plaque buildup and bacteria in your mouth will also reduce. Dental plaque is a sticky film that causes gum diseases and cavities if not removed.


It helps in protecting your gums

When you do not floss regularly, plaque and bacteria will eventually grow in your mouth. There are more than 500 bacteria species found in plaque. Some of these are good, but some can also be bad. When mixed up with leftover food particles, water, and other components inside your mouth, the plaque will develop diseases in your teeth and also your gums. It can irritate your gum tissue, and it will worsen once the bacteria increases. When left unflossed, a person may develop gingivitis. Gingivitis is one example of periodontal disease. It is the redness and the inflammation of the gums. Gingivitis can eventually lead to the loss of teeth when it remains untreated.

It helps in avoiding teeth cavities

If your teeth remain uncleaned, the bacteria could destroy the enamel in your teeth. It will cause the development of cavities. With flossing, you could reach the innermost areas of your teeth. Flossing will remove all of the plaque and bacteria building up inside your mouth that could harm your teeth and gums.

It helps whiten your teeth

Regularly flossing and brushing helps lessen the stain on your teeth. Removing some plaque and bacteria that you can’t see in between your teeth could make them look brighter. Flossing can help you achieve a whiter and brighter smile.

Flossing can help you avoid halitosis

Halitosis, commonly known as “bad breath,” is usually caused by bad oral hygiene. Since brushing your teeth cannot remove all the food particles between your teeth, the leftover fragments break down by bacteria and then produce sulfur compounds that cause the foul smell. When you start flossing regularly, you will notice an improvement in your breath.

It prevents the formation of tartar

Tartar is the hardened plaque on your teeth. It is the developed hard calcified deposits which coat your teeth and gums. It is essential to remove the plaque in between your teeth to avoid it from developing into tartar. Once it hardens into tartar, you will not be able to take it out by yourself. It will require you some help from your dentist.

It protects you from developing other diseases

Bacteria inside the mouth could be a threat to the body when left untreated. Periodontal diseases like gingivitis could enter a person’s bloodstream and travel to the rest of his body. It would cause heart diseases, respiratory ailments, and diabetes. Flossing might be a small thing, but it has great benefits on one’s overall health.

It helps you save money

Aside from giving you better oral hygiene, flossing could help you save money.

Flossing would help you avoid visiting your doctor’s clinic frequently. By maintaining good oral hygiene, you will least likely develop oral issues like tooth decay, periodontal diseases, and teeth loss.

Flossing could help you maintain a healthy lifestyle

Flossing after every meal helps stop you from being tempted to snack. Since you already brushed and flossed your teeth, you will want to avoid eating afterward. Besides helping you exercise good oral hygiene; flossing can also help you maintain good eating habits and a healthy lifestyle.


Take out a floss that is 38 to 45 centimeters in length. Slide it in between your teeth in an up and down motion. You can also wrap it around each tooth. Do not be startled when your gums bleed during the first few times of flossing. It is completely normal as long as it stops quickly. It is best to do this after dinner to remove all the food debris and plaque buildup for the whole day.

Flossing is as essential as brushing your teeth. Never neglect the importance of flossing on our dental hygiene. It helps you remove all the excess food particles in your teeth that your toothbrush can’t reach. Flossing every day could help you achieve brighter teeth and healthier gums!