Tips for learning to smile naturally

A smile is contagious, beneficial to your health, and contagious because it uplifts both you and others around you. So go ahead and smile as often as you can to make the most of your smile. This contains suggestions for enhancing your grin in photographs and information on how to smile naturally more frequently. It will make you grin as you read it!

1. Take a deep breath as you close your eyes

Be at ease and less stressed before posing for a picture. Having to smile when asked, like for a photo, might be difficult. Your facial muscles may stiffen up as a result of stress about getting the ideal smile, giving you an artificial or even scared appearance. Take a minute to close your eyes, unwind your muscles, and breathe deeply to reduce the stress associated with smiling.

Consider it as grounding and centering oneself for a strong performance, just like a musician, actor, or athlete could.

2. Loosen up your mouth and your mood with funny faces

This prevents the muscles in your face from tensing up and could even make you laugh. Try widening your eyes and lips multiple times before shutting them again or scrunching up your face tightly before releasing it. Then, try something even sillier, like fluttering your pursed lips while exhaling through them to make “motorboat” noises.

You will make the photographer laugh, which will make you laugh. Voila! You now have a wonderful, genuine smile on your face.

3. Tell jokes along with the photographer

Hold a joke competition to get everyone laughing. Tell the photographer a short joke, then invite them to return with one of their own. Also, do not worry about telling funny jokes; even if you give some genuine stinkers, you’ll still laugh at how awful they were.

When trying to snap a group shot and having difficulties getting everyone to grin, this is also a wonderful tactic.


4. Think of something that makes you happy

Select a joyful experience from your past or a reference from popular culture. Consider a loved one or a particularly joyous time in your life, as an illustration. Or think of a funny movie scene, crazy song, online meme, or other amusing objects. No matter what the circumstance, it will be difficult not to smile!

Think about the person or situation as specifically as you can. Right now, put yourself in that circumstance or with that companion. You may even see your happy loved one as the photographer or the person you are speaking to!

5. Try saying “money” instead of “cheese”

Words like “money,” “mocha,” or “yoga” could result in a more convincing false grin. Children are frequently instructed to exclaim, “Cheese!” for images. In reality, though, “cheese” isn’t the best for a genuine smile. Words with an “ah” sound are preferred by certain photographers because they make your cheekbones slightly raise. Others argue that the “ee” sound produces a more realistic-looking smile. Examine your alternatives in the mirror to see which ones suit you the best.

The mere act of surprising someone by saying “say moolah” instead of “say cheese” may nevertheless result in a real smile if you are attempting to persuade them to smile for the camera while you are taking their photo.

6. “Smize” by lifting your eyebrows and cheeks

Concentrating on your mouth may make your phony grin seem more natural. Although you are unable to deliberately contract the muscles that form a true grin, with sufficient effort you may imitate it. When you grin when asked for a picture or in a similar circumstance, deliberately concentrate on lifting the sides of your cheekbones and brows. Better still, practice in front of a mirror beforehand!

A real grin is distinguished by “smizing,” which is smiling with your eyes. So that just your eyes and brows are visible in the mirror, try concealing your mouth. Even if your lips are hidden from view, you should be able to “see” the smile.

7. Compare your real and fake smiles so you can practice

Compare your mouth and face in images or the mirror. In general, a “fake” grin simply uses your lips, but a “real” smile also uses your cheeks and eyes. Find the differences in your grins, then practice imitating your natural one in the mirror to improve your imitation.  Over time, you will develop muscle memory and improve your fake smile.

A genuine grin, often known as a “Duchenne smile,” causes your cheek and eye muscles to unconsciously tighten. When you fake a grin, you cannot deliberately control these muscles.

8. Exercise your smile muscles

Your smile may appear more natural if these muscles are toned and strengthened. Start with a neutral face and hold it for ten seconds before cracking a little smile (without revealing any teeth). Show a little number of teeth and hold for 10 seconds. Then, show additional teeth and hold for another 10 seconds. Work your way back down to the starting position after that. Up to five times a day, perform this workout.

As you perform the exercise, squeeze the sides of your lips outward with your index fingers to increase the strain on the muscles.

9. Force a smile to bring on a real smile

It may sound unusual but forcing a smile might make you happier. A true joyful state of mind may be achieved, and natural smiling is encouraged by forcing your face into a smile, according to 150 years of scientific research. To get a genuine grin, fake it until you make it!

Here is an even crazier notion: softly clench your teeth on a pencil or chopstick to make your face seem happy. Similar to faking a grin, this should make you happier and encourage you to smile openly. But take care—clamping a pencil between your lips will likely lead you to scowl and might even worsen your mood!

10. Build confidence in dental care

Do not let oral discomfort or shame prevent you from smiling. You could experience physical discomfort when you smile in particular situations due to a tooth issue. However, you could be reluctant to grin more frequently if you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your mouth, teeth, or gums. To overcome these obstacles to smiling, see your dentist often and maintain a proper tooth care regimen.

You should floss once daily and brush your teeth twice daily. Use an antimicrobial mouthwash to rinse. Once or twice a year, see the dentist for cleanings and checkups. Remember to take care of your gums. Gum health is an important part of a healthy smile. When you go outside, think about bringing a little kit with you. After a meal, you can wash your teeth or just remove any leftover food. Teeth whitening products may help you deal with tiny flaws in your smile that give you self-consciousness. Being self-conscious about your terrible gums, crooked teeth, or missing teeth can be uncomfortable. These kinds of problems are what corrective dentistry is there to address.

11. Embrace your unique smile

Smiling is universal, but it’s also unique to each of us. No two grins are likely to be precisely the same, and that’s a wonderful thing! You can find it difficult to smile due to shyness, shame, societal expectations, or other factors. However, you may conquer whatever is preventing you from smiling with the appropriate outlook.

Remind yourself not to try to suppress your grin when you start to feel it coming on. Keep in mind that smiling is beneficial to your mental and emotional well-being. Try focusing on anything amusing or joyful that makes you grin while gazing in the mirror, telling yourself, “This is my smile, and it’s a nice one!”

Additional Tips!

Spend time with joyful individuals. When everyone around you is grinning, it is quite difficult to resist grinning as well. You have probably heard the adage “smiling is contagious,” and research supports this!

Even while you are on the phone, practice making a natural smile. Without seeing a person’s face, listeners can typically determine from their speech if they are smiling. Even while composing emails or other texts, this could be true!


Smiling is a global language that has many advantages for your physical and mental health, to sum up. You may use strategies like making funny expressions, telling jokes, remembering good times, saying “money” instead of “cheese,” smizing, contrasting your actual and fake grins, working out your smile muscles, and even forcing a smile to improve your smile. To prevent seeming phony or frightened when shooting photos, it is crucial to unwind and eliminate tension. You may increase your grin and make yourself and the people around you happy by using these tactics more frequently.