When is Getting your Wisdom Teeth Removed Necessary?

Removing wisdom teeth depend on the individual as not all wisdom teeth have to be extracted out of the mouth. But when your dentist recommends that wisdom teeth removal be necessary, whether your late-stage molars are inflamed, or all pain seems to elude you, you will have to get a procedure to remove your wisdom teeth. When you neglect to get your wisdom teeth removed at your Vancouver dentists, you become at risk for oral cysts and cavities, jaw misalignment, and severe discomfort. But some fortunate people will never experience these particular symptoms and do not have to undergo this dental procedure, which begs the question: when is getting your wisdom teeth actually necessary?

Determine the signs and symptoms that will indicate wisdom teeth removal should be imminent, when they should be removed, and why they should be extracted from your mouth sooner rather than later.

Can removal be prevented?

Wisdom teeth removal can be invasive and result in some significant discomfort afterward during the recovery process. Unfortunately, you cannot take any substantial preventive measures to reduce the chances of having to get your wisdom teeth removed. You can not control the growth of the teeth, and if they grow in a wayward position within your mouth, you will need to have them removed. Further, if they begin to cause you pain, even if these molars have grown in your mouth in a non-obstructive position, you may need to get them removed.

When removal isn’t a necessity

When the molars in your mouth have erupted out of your gums in an upright position, that makes them more functional than not, they usually do not need to be removed. Of course, you will need to regularly consult with your dentist to ensure that your wisdom teeth remain healthy and are not impacting your oral health. Further, wisdom teeth can be challenging to brush and floss because they are so far back in your mouth in a hard-to-reach position, and they are liable to decay over time if not cleaned properly. Wisdom teeth decay will eventually cause complications and could lead to severe conditions, like gum disease and cysts around the gum area. Ask your dentist for wisdom tooth maintenance recommendations to ensure your molars remain in good condition.

Symptoms you need your wisdom teeth removed

Sometimes, there is no avoiding wisdom teeth removal. When your wisdom teeth erupt, are crooked, or are stuck and impacted, it can feel painful–a symptom to look out for. Certain signs are an indication that wisdom tooth removal should happen sooner rather than later, and the main symptom is pain. When you feel substantial pain in the back of your mouth, the culprit could very well be your wisdom teeth. This oral pain can also develop in your head and ears and is a telltale sign that your wisdom teeth are causing health issues. Cysts are also inclined to form if you neglect to care for your wisdom teeth, and your surrounding teeth can also become crooked as the erupted wisdom teeth can push your other teeth together if there isn’t enough room for proper growth. These are important signs and symptoms to look out for that should prompt you to visit your dentist in Vancouver and start to consider a removal procedure.

Why it’s necessary

It can be imperative to remove your wisdom teeth for the sake of your oral health. If left untreated for too long, removing them can become increasingly challenging. As the wisdom teeth develop over time as the teeth become more fully formed, making removal more of a complicated process, and recovery time after the procedure can lengthen. Without removal, the pain can vastly increase, and your jaw can eventually become misaligned because the molars can create a mouth overcrowded with teeth, and the cysts that form in the mouth can hollow out your jaw and cause severe nerve damage. Because of these potential repercussions, according to dental professionals, getting your wisdom teeth removed is a necessity.


When your dentist determines that your wisdom teeth need to be removed, whether they are decaying or because they are trapped within your gums and jawbone, you will have to receive a more significant dental procedure than you might be used to, which can usually take 45 minutes or longer. You will usually be put under an anesthetic to reduce your pain levels during the procedure, as your doctor will slice your gums to remove the wisdom teeth and then subsequently stitch up any wound in your mouth.

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