What does it mean when my tooth is turning black?

Many individuals worry about having black teeth because they think it will make their smile seem bad and make them feel less confident. Continue reading if you have a black tooth to learn more about the signs, causes, and potential treatments.

Black teeth may be the result of discoloration or may be an indication of cavities or underlying decay. A small amount of pigment from certain meals and beverages can cause the teeth to turn black. The high calcium content of the enamel, the outer layer of the teeth, is what gives them their color.

Teeth might start to become yellow or gray over time because of extra substances that meals and beverages leave behind. However, a person should seek dental care as soon as possible if their teeth start to become black.

What causes a tooth to go black?

There are several reasons why a tooth could start to darken or turn black, ranging from simple discoloration to the death of the tooth. A tooth usually does not become black overnight. Instead, it will develop gradually. A person should visit a dentist as soon as possible to prevent further harm.

Poor oral hygiene

Your tooth may turn black because of poor dental hygiene. Early on, this is probably staining from things like cigarettes, red wine, and brightly colored meals. The acid will steadily eat away at your tooth if your dental hygiene practice is not comprehensive enough to eradicate the germs that release acid every day.

Tooth decay develops while the tooth is eaten away. The appearance of a black tooth might result from dental decay, which is naturally dark in color. This traditional effect of neglecting your teeth over a protracted length of time provides the appearance of having decaying teeth.

The death of a tooth

The blood flow that gives a tooth its natural, healthy color will end when a tooth is dead. The lack of nutrition causes the tooth to start necrotizing, darkening, dying, and eventually turning black.


Bacteria that attack dental enamel and leave behind tiny holes are what create cavities. These holes may appear to be dark.

Dental restoration

Teeth may seem to be black in color because of amalgam fillings and crowns, especially those that contain silver sulfide.


Teeth can become stained by eating and drinking foods and beverages with dark colors, such as tea and cola.

Taking certain medications

For instance, taking liquid iron supplements may cause teeth to get stained.


Plaque that hardens into a coating on the teeth and typically develops below the gum line is known as tartar. Some tartars have a black color.


Tobacco use, whether smoking or chewing, may seriously discolor teeth.

Is a black tooth painful?

The inner layer of a tooth’s nerves is frequently harmed by trauma or decay, which causes them to stop supplying the tooth with blood. This causes teeth to gradually deteriorate.

The initial indicator of a dying tooth is often discoloration, but many individuals also experience pain in the dying tooth or the gums around it. The pain may worsen along with the discoloration until the nerve is fully destroyed and the tooth turns black.

Not everyone experiences pain, and of those who do, some may only feel a slight discomfort while others may find it highly unpleasant, therefore a dying or dead tooth is not necessarily uncomfortable. The black tooth’s internal tissue, however, may get an infection, causing gum inflammation and excruciating pain at the tooth’s base.

If the infection is not treated, it might ultimately spread and develop into an abscess. This can result in a throbbing pain that is nearly always present and interferes with the ability to eat, focus, or sleep.

To prevent this, you should seek dental care as soon as you recognize the symptoms of a dying or dead tooth, especially if it is causing you pain. Anti-inflammatory pain relievers can be used to ease the discomfort while you wait for medical attention, and you should refrain from consuming hot or hard foods.

What to do if you have black teeth?

The first thing to remember is not to worry if you have recently discovered that you have a black tooth. The best course of action when you have a black tooth is to speak with a dental expert who can evaluate the condition. Fortunately, even the most severe reasons for a black tooth may frequently be resolved with the appropriate dental or orthodontic care.

By sight, you may spot a black tooth since it will be noticeably blackened. The following are the key contributing factors to black teeth:

Tooth decay: Tooth decay, which may be brought on by the accumulation of plaque and tartar, is one of the main causes of teeth turning black. Tooth decay can be caused by poor oral hygiene, although it can be stopped in its early stages. However, more treatment is required if teeth go black.

Stains: Black teeth can occasionally emerge due to stains and markings from tartar, cigarette products, coffee, tea, red wine, and these substances. If you have any stains that are the cause of your black teeth and your oral health is generally good, you might be able to remove the stains on your own and avoid any additional treatment.

Rotten teeth: A tooth that is damaged or cracked may begin to decay from the inside, turning the tooth black. The decay within the tooth itself is what causes the black look. A root canal is necessary if you have a decaying tooth. A tooth does not turn black because of root canal therapy.

Injury: The teeth can be harmed by accidents, sports-related oral injuries, and biting down on something hard. Even a little break in a tooth might make it easier for germs to enter and cause an infection. Even while an injury does not always result in black teeth, if left untreated, it can eventually.

The best way to cure black teeth depends on the underlying reason, but in most situations, there is a proven method that can permanently whiten teeth. Because the treatment for dark teeth may be extensive, people may get anxious, which is why we provide specialized treatments for patients who may be anxious.


To conclude, it is very much advised to have a regular check-ups with your dentists to be aware of the condition of your teeth.

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