What are the Types of Dentures?

When you hear the word “dentures,” what comes into your mind? For most people, it’s probably the fake teeth that can be glued and have a tendency to fall out at the most unfortunate moments. This is sad but true, as most people only have a limited understanding of the different kinds of dentures. Aside from that, the entertainment world also had an effect in shaping how poorly the world view dentures, such as movies and cartoons that crack pigeonholing jokes about dentures and the people who wear them.

If you are tired of seeing those kinds of jokes on TV and decided that you want to learn more about dentures, you’re in the right place. Did you know that there are many different types of denture products aside from those that most people usually see? There are different ways to replace your missing teeth. If you want to know more about them, here are the different types of dentures that you can choose from.

Full Dentures

Full dentures are also known as complete dentures. These are the traditional dentures that we mostly see from the elderly.It has both upper and lower sets, which are removable. These are used to replace missing teeth. Full dentures are made out of porcelain or acrylic. They are held together by an acrylic or metal base. These are needed when you lose all of our teeth, as they can help fill out your appearance again, which will make you more confident to smile.

Upper and lower dentures rest on the gum tissue, with the suction to help them stay in place. To help secure dentures and stop any food particles from causing discomfort, denture adhesive can be used. When you take good care of full dentures, they can last up to 10 years.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are for those who still have some of his or her natural teeth, like when one or more teeth remain in the upper and lower jaw. This type of denture features a pink-colored base that is attached to a metal piece. These pieces hold the denture in the mouth.

Partial dentures are convenient and removable. Meaning, you can take them out whenever you need to. They also help prevent the other teeth from moving. Partial dentures, like full dentures, are made from acrylic material. This type of denture can help people feel more confident if they are missing a small number of teeth.

Temporary Dentures

Temporary dentures are also known as immediate dentures. These are dentures that can be fitted right after your teeth have been removed. They are an option to help you carry on as you wait for your new permanent dentures to be fitted. With temporary dentures, you’ll be able to go back to eating the foods you love without putting much pressure on your remaining natural teeth.

Temporary dentures can also be recommended by dentists as a way to help ease the mouth into wearing denturesor if you have had issues with sensitive teeth or gums before. It will let your mouth heal without needing to make any major changes to your lifestyle.

Flexible Dentures

Flexible dentures are similar to partial dentures, but they are created using different materials. Most of them are made using a thin thermoplastic like nylon. Flexible dentures are more comfortable to wear than other removable partials, especially if you are not yet used to wearing replacement teeth. This type of denture does not use metal parts that can sometimes show, like in partial dentures. It means that they tend to look and feel a lot more natural.

Custom Dentures

Custom dentures are created using more expensive teeth. These can give a person a more natural-looking smile. The dentist will show you the new denture before it is completed. It will be customized for your smile so it would look naturaland would suit your needs.

Fixed Bridge

A fixed bridge is a type of denture that is used to replace missing teeth by surgically cementing an artificial tooth, which is known as a crown, to the remaining natural teeth on each side. However, these can cost more compared to removable dentures.

Cantilever Bridge

This type of denture is recommended when a molar is missing, and there are no teeth on one side of it to support the bridge. With this, one or more teeth on the other side are used for support.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures use a dental implant to securely support the denture. This type provides a great amount of support for a solid foundation. This also allows the denture to stay in place securely. It looks natural, and it can also last longer.

Snap-In Dentures

These are probably the most effective choice when it comes to stability. Snap-in dentures are held securely in place with the help of dental implants or anchors onto the existing teeth. What makes this type of denture unique is the locator attachments embedded within the tissue side of the denture. These snap onto the implants or onto the locator receptors, making them convenient and removable. These are usually used when a patient does not have any teeth but still have enough bone to support an implant.

These are the different types of dentures. Now that you know them, you might be wondering what type is best for you. Well, the only way to ensure that you are making the right choice is by talking to a dentist that specializes in denture procedures. Some of the other things that you can consider are your budget and what’s comfortable for you. We hope the information we shared here helped you in knowing more about dentures and their different types.

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