What are the 4 types of teeth?

Your digestive system includes your teeth. Before you swallow, they break down food by chopping or crushing it. Although some people have more teeth than others, most people have 32 teeth. The toughest component in the human body is enamel, which is the outermost covering that protects your teeth.

How many teeth do humans have?

32 permanent teeth are typical for adults. But some people (hypodontia) and some others (supernumerary teeth) have additional teeth from birth.

The majority of kids have 20 primary teeth, which erupt (grow in) between the ages of 4 months and 6 years. Permanent adult teeth will ultimately replace these baby teeth when they inevitably fall out.

What are the four types of teeth?

Each of the many tooth kinds we have has a crucial function. Humans have four different types of permanent teeth:

  • Incisors

The teeth in your mouth that are most noticeable are your incisors. The average person has four upper and four lower incisors. Your two front teeth as well as the teeth on either side of them are included in this.

The single thin edge on each tooth aids in cutting into food as you bite.

  • Canines

Because they resemble a dog’s fangs, canine teeth were given that name. Compared to other tooth varieties, they are more pointed. A canine tooth can be found in each quadrant (upper right, upper left, lower right, lower left) in the mouth.

You can tear through meals like meat and crunchy veggies with the aid of your canine teeth. Canines are sometimes referred to as “eye teeth” due to their placement right behind your eyes.

  • Premolars

Premolars, which are often referred to as bicuspids, are located between your canines and molars (the teeth in the rear of your jaw).

Teeth called premolars combine characteristics of canines and molars. They assist you in chopping, tearing, and grinding food into tiny bits.

  • Molars

Your rear teeth, or molars, are located there. About 90% of your chewing occurs in this area. Twelve molar teeth, three in each quadrant, are typical for adults.

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are molar teeth. Therefore, unless you were born without them or had your wisdom teeth removed, you likely have eight molars in total.

Molars help crush and grind up your food since they are your primary chewing teeth.

How do teeth work?

Your teeth all function in harmony to chop, rip, combine, and ground food into tiny bits. The meal is then formed into a little ball by your tongue and oropharynx, the top region of your throat, making it simple to swallow.

Anatomy of a tooth

Two primary structures make up a tooth:

  • Crown. The area of your tooth that is visible is the one that is above your gum line. Your dental crown is covered in enamel, a durable material.
  • Root. The portion of your tooth that keeps it in your jaw is this. Your gums hide the root, making it invisible. The periodontal ligament, a delicate connective tissue lining the tooth socket, is secured to your tooth by the root.

What are teeth made of?

There are four primary layers in your teeth, including:

  • Enamel. This is each tooth’s outermost layer of defense. Your teeth’s enamel protects them from the microorganisms that cause cavities. The toughest material in the human body is enamel.
  • Dentin. Your enamel is covered by a thin layer of dentin. Dentin lacks enamel’s tensile strength. Cavities become more likely when dentin is exposed by losing enamel.
  • Cementum. Your tooth root is protected by cement. It supports your tooth firmly in your jaw together with your periodontal tissues.
  • Tooth pulp. This is the tooth’s deepest layer. It has blood arteries, connective tissues, and nerves.

Do teeth have bones?

No. Although teeth resemble bones, they are very distinct from them. When fractured, bones can regenerate (repair). Unlike teeth. Your teeth do not have marrow as bones do.

Teeth numbers

Dentists and other medical professionals mark teeth using numbered systems. There are a few other numbering systems, but the Universal Numbering System is the one that is used by the majority of service providers in the United States.

Universal Numbering System for adult teeth

Adult teeth receive a number from 1 to 32 according to the Universal Numbering System, starting with your upper-right third molar. After starting with your two front teeth, you count to the left. You slide down and start with #17 (your lower-left third tooth) after reaching #16 (your upper-left third molar). After that, when you continue counting down your lower teeth, you reach #32 (your lower-right third molar).

Any missing teeth are nevertheless given numbers by dentists. They can record an accurate dental chart for you using this method.

Universal Numbering System for baby teeth

The Universal Numbering System is also used by dentists to identify primary (baby) teeth. Similar principles apply, except letters are used in place of numbers. Baby teeth, for instance, are categorized from A to T, starting with the upper-right molar. You reach #J (the upper-left molar) after counting across the top teeth. After that, you descend to tooth #K on the lower left and continue counting down until you reach tooth #T (the lower-right molar).

What are some frequent ailments that might harm my teeth?

One of the most prevalent dental conditions is tooth decay. More than 90% of Americans over 40 have had at least one cavity. Bacteria can erode your enamel’s tough outer layer, leading to cavities. The germs continue to damage your tooth after the dentin underneath loses its barrier.

Various other typical problems that might harm your teeth include:

1. Bruxism (teeth grinding). Your teeth’s enamel can be worn away by clenching and grinding, which increases the risk of tooth injury.

2. Sensitive teeth. Teeth that are sensitive to heat and cold typically have exposed roots or eroded enamel.

3. Trauma to your mouth. Teeth that have been chipped, fractured, or knocked out might occur as a result of car accidents, sports-related injuries, and other traumas.

4. Tooth discoloration. Some foods and beverages, including tea, coffee, or berries, can leave stains on your teeth over time. Additionally, several drugs might cause tooth discoloration.

5. Impacted teeth. Teeth can occasionally become trapped in your gums or jawbone when they don’t emerge properly. Although it can affect any tooth, wisdom teeth impaction is the most typical case.

6. Orthodontic misalignment. Teeth that are rotated, crowded, gapped, or crooked are all signs of orthodontic misalignment. Your dental health and chewing ability may suffer as a result of these diseases.

7. Abscessed tooth. Bacteria can occasionally enter the pulp, the tooth’s interior layer. You could get a painful abscess (pocket of pus) if this occurs.

8. Gum disease. Even though gum disease begins in the gums, it can eventually cause teeth to become loose and even fall out.

What are some typical signs of diseases that impact my teeth?

The following are some of the most typical dental-related complaints:

  • Toothache
  • Sensitivity to cold, heat, or sugar
  • Biting causes discomfort
  • Bleeding, sore gums
  • Enlarged jaw

Common dental treatments

Some of the most frequent dental procedures include:

  • Dental fillings
  • Dental crowns
  • Dental bridges
  • Dental bonding
  • Teeth whitening
  • Porcelain veneers
  • Teeth braces
  • Dental implants
  • Dentures

What if I have tooth loss?

Occasionally, a person is born missing a particular tooth. Others could have tooth loss due to trauma, gum disease, or cavities.

Several elements, such as the location of the lost tooth and your oral health objectives, will determine whether you need to replace the tooth.

Dentures, dental bridges, and dental implants are just a few of the choices for tooth replacement that are readily available today.

How is pain perceived by a tooth?

Each tooth has blood vessels and nerves that provide nutrition. The nerves in the middle of the tooth might feel pain when an infection gets to the pulp.


Knowing the four different types of teeth can help you understand how your teeth work together the next time you eat your favorite cuisine or smile for the camera.

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