How Many Teeth Are Babies Born With?


Baby teeth, also known as primary or deciduous teeth, are temporary replacements for the set of permanent teeth that will eventually come in, but they still play an important role in the development of your child. The following is information that you should know about the eruption of your baby’s first tooth as well as other baby teeth.

When Do Babies Typically Get Their First Teeth?

When it comes to the eruption of baby teeth, a wide range of normal is considered to be acceptable. The eruption of the first primary tooth typically occurs between the ages of 6 and 7 months, but in some cases, it can occur as late as 12 months of age (or even later). In addition, some infants experience the eruption of their primary teeth very early, typically between the ages of three and four months.

It is difficult to pinpoint the exact time that your baby will get their first tooth. It’s possible that your infant will have symptoms of teething for several months before the first tooth appears, or it’s also possible that he’ll have almost no noticeable symptoms at all.

What Is the Normal Number of Teeth for Babies and Kids?

The majority of children have between two and four teeth by the time they reach the age of one year. The eruption of primary teeth continues until approximately age 2 and a half, at which point the majority of children have all 20 of their primary teeth.

Even though they are referred to as “baby teeth,” these little chompers remain in place well past the age of childhood. When your child is between the ages of 6 and 7, he or she will most likely lose the first baby tooth, making way for the permanent molars that will eventually take its place. The last of his primary teeth won’t be replaced by permanent teeth until he is somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 years old. However, some children don’t get all 32 of their permanent teeth until they are 21 years old.

It is not only common but also relatively common, for people to keep their baby teeth for a longer period and even possibly for life. The term “retained primary teeth” refers to a situation in which a permanent successor has not yet emerged. Your dental practitioner will devise a treatment strategy to deal with the over-retained tooth.

Make an appointment with a pediatric dentist if the child is 12 months old and still does not have any teeth. In addition, if your child appears to have a blue “bubble” around an erupting tooth, you should get in touch with your practitioner as soon as possible because this could be an eruption hematoma.

Stages of Teething

The process of teething consists of five distinct stages, lasts for a considerable amount of time, and can be very challenging for both infants and their parents to bear. However, if parents are prepared for the challenges that lie ahead during this trying phase, they will be better equipped to ease their child’s discomfort and successfully make the transition into toddlerhood.

Stage 1:

(From 0 to 6 months) Under their gums and in the jawbones of their mouths, infants already have a full set of 20 primary teeth when they are born. These teeth are commonly known as “milk teeth,” because during this stage of development, a baby’s diet typically consists of nothing but milk.

Stage 2:

(From 6 to 8 months) The first teeth will start to come in during this stage. Around the age of six months, the lower and upper front teeth, also known as the incisors, begin to erupt. However, signs and symptoms of pain or discomfort may become apparent earlier than six months. The uneven edges of the teeth may push against the gums before the eruption, at which point the baby will typically begin chewing on toys, hands, or other solid objects in preparation for the eruption of their teeth.

It is important to provide babies with appropriate chew items to alleviate their discomfort. Placing pressure on the gums relieves pain and provides a distraction for babies, so make sure to give them these. Because there will probably be a noticeable increase in the amount of drool produced during this period, it will be easier to keep the baby’s chin dry if you keep a small bib on him or her. This will assist in preventing a rash from developing around the baby’s mouth and chin, which can add to the level of discomfort that the infant is experiencing.

Stage 3:

(From 10 to 14 months) At this point in development, the primary molars will begin to erupt. These teeth are located in the upper and lower jaws, which are located in the back of the mouth. This stage is very similar to stage 2, but parents will notice a more pronounced increase in their child’s drooling, irritability, and the need to chew on solid objects during this stage. It is also common for infants to experience a bit of a loss of appetite during this period, along with fever, and diarrhea during this period.

During stage 3, a baby’s usual pattern of sleeping may start to become more erratic or “off.” During this time of teething, it is unfortunately common for both babies and their parents to have trouble falling or staying asleep at night. Consult the pediatrician for advice regarding over-the-counter pain remedies if the baby’s pain appears to be becoming excessively severe or the baby appears to be experiencing an excessive amount of discomfort.

Stage 4:

From (16 to 22 months) The canine teeth, which are located between the upper and lower molars and the incisors, will begin to erupt at this stage. To ensure that the baby is as comfortable as possible during this stage, the same recommendations that were given for stages 2 and 3 can be put into practice.

Stage 5: 

(From 25 to 33 months) This is the stage of teething that causes the most discomfort for some children. The development of the large molar teeth occurs at this time. Because these are the largest teeth, parents may find that their typical methods of calming them are no longer effective. You should try a variety of techniques until you find one that works to calm the toddler. Giving a toddler a tough vegetable to chew on is something that many parents find to be beneficial, and it is also healthy. If you choose to use this technique, make sure to keep a close eye on the child at all times to ensure that he or she does not suffocate.

Can Teething Be Painful for Babies or Toddlers?

Some infants experience no discomfort from teething, while others may exhibit mild irritability, mild crying, and even a low-grade fever at various points throughout the process. 

The gums that are near the teeth that are in the process of erupting can become swollen and tender. This is the primary source of discomfort. 

Contact your child’s healthcare provider or dentist for individualized guidance if you notice that your infant or toddler is exhibiting signs of discomfort and you believe it may be caused by the process of teething.

Tips for Managing Teething Pain

The discomfort associated with teething can make your child miserable and irritable. As the tooth pushes through the baby’s gums for the first time, some infants experience discomfort and even pain. Some infants may not exhibit any of the signs or symptoms that are associated with teething.

You may notice some irritability and a lot of crying from your baby during this transition, but there are ways that you can make it easier for them. The key is to ensure that their gums feel as little discomfort as possible.

1. Massage the Baby’s Gums

If you notice that it calms them down, try massaging your baby’s gums with a finger that has been thoroughly cleaned. Maintain a gentle touch while exerting a steady force. This results in an increase in blood flow to the gum tissue of your baby, which may result in a reduction in inflammation and pain.

2. Use a Cool Compress

It may also help to alleviate discomfort if you apply a cool compress to your baby’s gums. Some parents will put a teething ring in the refrigerator (but not the freezer!) before giving it to their child to chew on. This is done so that the ring is more comfortable for the child.

You can also soothe your baby’s sore gums by applying a cold spoon to them. If your child still does not have any teeth, you should only use a cold spoon when feeding them. Inadvertently chipping their delicate teeth while chewing on a metal spoon is a possibility.

3. Wipe Away Excess Drool

During the time that your baby is teething, it is a good idea to have them wear a bib.  Infants frequently drool, which can cause their clothing to become soaked. 

If you want to help prevent further irritation, you should make it a top priority to wipe the drool off of your baby’s face as often as possible. To avoid your child developing a rash, the face should ideally be kept dry.

4. Chill Some Fruit

If you have started your infant on solid foods, you might find that placing certain types of foods in the freezer helps soothe your infant’s irritated gums. Bananas that have been mashed and chilled make an excellent beginning!  You can try giving your baby other fruits to gnaw on by placing them in a mesh feeder. The mesh feeder will assist in reducing the risk of choking. Apples, pears, and strawberries are just a few of the many kinds of fruits that can be enjoyed when they are cold.  It is important to keep a close eye on your infant at all times and determine whether or not they are of an appropriate age to sample these delicacies.

5. Extra Cuddling Time

A little extra time spent cuddling can often be the most effective way to ease a fussy baby’s discomfort. Both rocking your infant in a large chair or carrying them around the house in a baby carrier are wonderful activities to do with your young child. The additional time spent cuddling together will assist in providing some much-needed rest for both of you.

If you are breastfeeding, you shouldn’t be afraid to give your child additional nursing sessions when they are upset because it will help them feel better.  It is essential to offer your infant a soothing environment to facilitate relaxation and sleepiness on their part.

6. Consider Pain Medication

Painkillers that are available without a prescription, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can also be used to alleviate discomfort. Infants can be given pain relievers as long as the medication is administered correctly. Although these medications have the potential to lessen the discomfort associated with teething, they should only be used on an as-needed basis.

Always check with your pediatrician before administering medication to children who are younger than 2 years old, or if you believe that you will need to administer pain relievers for more than a day or two at a time.

When to Call the Doctor About Teething?

In most cases, medical professionals are hesitant to make the connection between teething and fever or diarrhea in infants. However, many parents are convinced that the arrival of a tooth is the cause of their children’s loose stools and low-grade fevers.

It is time to talk to your pediatrician about your baby’s fever if your child has had a low-grade temperature for more than three days, if the fever is higher than normal, or if it is accompanied by other symptoms that are causing them concern.

You should also contact your doctor if your baby has diarrhea that is watery or runny and it lasts for more than two bowel movements or if your baby has stopped feeding for more than a few days.

Remember that babies who are teething will pull on their ears, and babies who have ear infections will also do this. If your child has a fever, seems especially irritated when he is lying down or chewing, or has pus or crustiness around his ears, you should make an appointment with a pediatrician as soon as you suspect that your child’s discomfort may be caused by something other than just the teething process.

How to Take Care of Your Baby’s First Teeth?

Even though they won’t last forever, that doesn’t mean they aren’t of any significance. Observe the following advice for caring for baby teeth to ward off tooth decay and preserve the overall health of your child’s teeth:

1. Always make sure to brush your baby’s teeth

As soon as you see the first sign of a tooth coming through, you should make it a habit to brush your child’s teeth twice a day. The chore can be made more enjoyable with a cute and cuddly baby toothbrush. Your child can effectively brush their teeth with either a manual or electric toothbrush, so go with whichever type of toothbrush your child seems more interested in using. Make sure the toothbrush has real bristles and not rubber ones, which are good for massaging the gums but not for brushing the teeth. Rubber bristles work well for massaging the gums. In addition, you can use a washcloth or a tooth wipe to clean your baby’s teeth after nursing and after meals.

2. Prepare foods and beverages with a reduced amount of sugar

It is believed that nearly a quarter of toddlers have cavities because of the consumption of sugary foods, particularly those that can be consumed unwittingly such as processed foods and fruit juice. If you must give your toddler juice, stick to no more than four ounces of 100 percent fruit juice per day. Juice of any kind should never be given to infants who have not yet reached their first birthday. Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages as much as possible, and always read the labels on the food you buy.

3. Avoid “bottle rot”

Baby bottle tooth decay, also known as “bottle rot,” occurs when a baby drinks frequently throughout the day from a bottle or is put to bed with a bottle that is filled with formula, milk, juice, soft drinks, sugar water, or sugary drinks. Additionally, “baby bottle tooth decay” can also occur when a baby is put to bed with a bottle filled with water. The bacteria that live in the mouth convert the natural or added sugars in these liquids into acid, which then eats away at the enamel of the teeth and causes decay, particularly in the upper front teeth.

If you want to help prevent tooth decay, you should not serve juice from a bottle. You should also avoid putting your infant to bed with a bottle of breast milk or formula because the sugars in these beverages can still cause tooth decay. After nursing or giving your baby a bottle, you should clean your baby’s teeth by either brushing them or wiping them with a wet washcloth or gauze pad.

4. It is best not to share spoons or any other type of cutlery

In this way, any harmful bacteria that may be present in your mouth or the mouth of an older sibling will not be able to transfer to your child’s mouth and cause tooth decay.

5. Serve calcium-rich foods

To maintain healthy teeth, it is important to consume plenty of foods that are high in calcium. In addition to encouraging your child to drink milk, you should also encourage them to consume a lot of cheese and yogurt.

6. Treating the early signs of decay is important

In infants, the first signs of tooth decay are frequently chalky, white areas on the teeth that are located along the gum line. It is important to seek treatment as soon as possible to reduce the risk of the condition becoming more severe; therefore, you should schedule an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible for cleaning and for advice on how to begin practicing healthy dental care habits.

7. Dental Checkups

The development of your child’s teeth, mouth, and gums needs to receive professional dental care to foster a healthy oral environment. Your child should go to the dentist for the first time either within about six months of the first tooth poking through the gums or by the time your child is 12 months old, whichever comes first. In general, the first visit should take place within about six months of the first tooth poking through the gums. 

Naturally, you are free to contact us whenever it is convenient for you to schedule an appointment, whether you have questions or concerns. During your baby’s routine well-child exams, his healthcare provider will also examine your baby’s teeth and gums to ensure that they are healthy.


Regardless of when the first baby tooth erupts, the vast majority of children will have a complete set of their primary teeth by the time they reach the age of 3. If, however, your child is 18 months old and still doesn’t have any teeth, you should make an appointment with the dentist. So, if you haven’t taken your cute little one to the dentist yet, now would be a good time to make an appointment so that they can have their mouth and gums examined.

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