Can An Orthodontist Refuse To Remove Braces?

Beautiful woman with braces having dental treatment at dentist's office

Braces can have a great impact on our lives. From a functional standpoint, they shift the position of our teeth to eliminate any health issues that can arise from overbites, underbites, crooked teeth, and misaligned jaws. This can improve our ability to eat and speak more effectively and comfortably. As well, from an aesthetic perspective, … Read more

The Evolution of Braces


 When we think of braces, those metal brackets that go onto our teeth to straighten them out over time, we rarely think about them in a historical context. We don’t necessarily think of them as something that evolved through trial and error. One of the biggest reasons is that we view straight teeth as a … Read more

How To Fix A Chipped Tooth

How To Fix A Chipped Tooth

A chipped tooth can be a painful experience. It can occur from being knocked in the face while playing sports to biting on hard food. The pain can be significant, and leaving it can lead to cracked teeth and the development of cavities. It is why, if you have chipped your tooth, even minorly, you … Read more

What are the Types of Cosmetic Dentistry?

What are the Types of Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry refers to any dental practice that helps improve the look of bite, gums, and teeth. These procedures primarily focus on the improvement in dental aesthetics when it comes to shape, color, size, alignment, position, and overall appearance of the teeth. But even if these procedures are often done for aesthetic reasons, sometimes they … Read more